Nemisis or chatterbox division 2
Nemisis or chatterbox division 2

nemisis or chatterbox division 2

And if you manage to reduce that time by learning how big the charge needs to be to kill the red one fast, congratz, you mastered your exotic :)Īnd yes. You might take out yellow enemies with one shot, but you need longer for red ones because of the charging. Since in TD2 you allways have red, violett and yellow enemies in missions, it is still quite balanced. It does more damage but it needs more time to do it. With the M700 versions I needed ~10seconds TTK Because you need to charge for some seconds before you can shoot (which can also sometimes be canceled if you accidentally move your right finger a little and get out of aim/zoom before firing) and you dont know for sure if lower charge will kill the enemy, you need way more time then a quick scoping M700.

nemisis or chatterbox division 2

Sounds strong so far, but I also tested the Time To Kill (TTK) in the shooting range, and even with the setting on the highest I allways needed only half the time to kill all mobs with the M700 versions. Yes you can one-shot all mob settings there, but this is what a sniper with sniper build (Sniper spec + sniper brands = all on headshots+DTE) should be able to!įully charged on a headshot it does about 2x to 3x the damage of my M700 Carbon, or 2x of the M700. When I first saw the Nemesis' damage and heared my teammate call out incredible damage numbers on enemies, I thought it might be to strong for Ubi/Massive, but then I tested it myself in the shooting range. Rule 7 - LFG/Clan Recruitment Topic Filters: Discussion Rule 1 - Follow Reddiquette Rule 2 - Harassment & Witchhunting Rule 3 - Low Effort/Low Quality Rule 4 - Duplicates Bugs & Glitches Rule 5 - Self Promotion & Spam Rule 6 - Advertising, Selling etc. Keep it fun, keep it respectful and remember that in the end - it's just a game. The power to shape this community is in your hands.

Nemisis or chatterbox division 2